HR Pulse Magazine Conclusions: “The 360-degree assessment process can address complex physician issues and enable each physician to receive feedback on their hard-to-measure professionalism and interpersonal communication skills, often associated with patient safety and outcomes. Many physicians who receive developmental feedback will self-correct. Others will receive positive morale-boosting feedback enhancing their engagement and retention.......
Diversity and Equality in Health and Care Conclusions: “The PULSE 360 can be used to evaluate physician performance without bias concerns due to demographic differences including gender, country of physician medical training, physician native language, and age.” Read the Full Article Below: Assessing Physician Performance Using 360-degree Multisource Surveys: Do Biases Exist Due to Gender,......
While healthcare has readily adopted Pay-for-Performance relating to technical skills, perhaps the time has come to embrace Pay-for-Professionalism for physicians. Should we admit that these non-technical skills matter enough for a new approach? If physician productivity is important enough to be incentivized, shouldn’t we do the same for professionalism? A wealth of research has shown a correlation......
From the 2013 Medscape survey on physician burnout, here is a sampling of the highest and lowest physician burnout rates by specialty: Highest rate of physician burnout: Emergency medicine (51%) Critical care (50%) Family medicine (43%) Lowest rate of physician burnout: Pathology (32%) Psychiatry (33%) (Tied) Ophthalmology (35%) Pediatrics (35%) Rheumatology (35%) ...