Posts filed under: Physician Emotional Intelligence

How Physicians Change (using PULSE 360): Multisource feedback driven intervention improves physician leadership and teamwork

Baseline PULSE 360 multisource feedback scores vary by specialty and improve based on feedback, goal-setting, coaching, and education. In particular, physicians who start with low scores have the greatest potential for leadership teamwork index improvement. Surgeons had a significantly lower baseline leadership teamwork index at 59.9, whereas primary care and specialists started with a leadership......

Relationship Between Surgeon PULSE 360 Survey Findings and Malpractice

Annals of Surgery. Multisource Evaluation of Surgeon Behavior is Associated with Malpractice Claims. Lagoo, Janaka, MD; Berry, William, R., MD, MPH, MPA; Miller, Kate, PhD, MPH; Neal, Brandon, J., MPH; Luke Sato, MD; Keith D. Lillemoe, MD; Gerard M. Doherty, MD; James R. Kasser, MD; Elliot L. Chaikof, MD, PhD; Atul A. Gawande, MD, MPH; and......

Harvard Surgeon Study on Using PULSE 360 Survey

Can 360-Degree Reviews Help Surgeons? Evaluation of Multi-source Feedback for Surgeons in a Multi-Institutional Quality Improvement Project. Journal of the American College of Surgeons.  Nurudeen S, Kwakye G, Berry WR, Chaikof EL, Lillemoe KD, Millham F, Rubin M, Schwaitzberg S, Shamberger RC, Zinner MJ, Sato L, Lipsitz S, Gawande Atul, Haynes AB. (J Am Coll Surg. 2015......

Physicians’ Empathy and Clinical Outcomes for Diabetic Patients

Physicians’ Empathy and Clinical Outcomes for Diabetic Patients. Academic Medicine: March 2011 – Volume 86 – Issue 3 – pp 359-364. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3182086fe1. Authors: Hojat, Mohammadreza PhD; Louis, Daniel Z. MS; Markham, Fred W. MD; Wender, Richard MD; Rabinowitz, Carol; Gonnella, Joseph S. MD. From the abstract: “The hypothesis of a positive relationship between physicians’......

Four Essential Components of a 360-Degree Training & Feedback System for Physicians

While healthcare organizations can learn from the 360-degree feedback systems successfully used by businesses, it is not advisable to use their surveys and protocol, but rather to select one that is designed for healthcare and hospitals. The following are four essential healthcare-specific criteria for measuring and increasing the practice and people skills of physicians:   1.......